Using synthino xm with other synths

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    Hi there,
    I tried searching for this and couldn’t find anything.
    Really enjoying this synth but trying to place it into a chain with a bunch of other synths.
    for example
    If I have a synth recieving midi on channel 2, a synth recieving midi on channel 3, and a synth recieving on channel 4.
    I’d like to only use the channel 1 synth on the synthino xm.
    Is there a way to disable the other channels?
    as in the manual it says the channels repeat, so if i was to move all my other synths to channels 5,6,7 they’d still also be sending midi to the synthino right?

    Also one other question.
    Is there any way to run the synthino as a monophonic synth?



    Hi Math,

    You are correct about the channels wrapping around, so channels 5,6,7,8 are just like 1,2,3,4. I have an alternative firmware version that does not do this. The Synthino listens for 1,2,3,4 and also the drum channel 10. Would this be helpful? Can you make your other synths listen on channels above 4?

    I do this you would need to load new firmware onto the device. It is not that hard, but if you are not technical, it could be tricky for you (some people find it too difficult I guess).
    Windows Instructions

    Mac Instructions

    If you only want it to listen on channel 1, just say the word and I can make a version that does that. But you’d have to load it according to the Windows or Mac instructions above. Just let me know.


    Also, to answer your other question about it being monophonic, no I’m afraid there’s no monophonic only mode.


    Oh that’s great!
    I’m on Windows, looks slightly complicated but yea man I’ll def give it a go. Do you have a link to that firmware? That’d def do the trick!


    Oh, but before doing that, do they still wrap around to 9 11 12 etc?


    The channels would not wrap at all, so anything above 4 can be used for something else, with the exception of channel 10 which has a special meaning for the drum channel.

    Here is a link to the firmware .hex file. If the file content displays in your browser, just “Save as…” to save it to a file. This is the .hex file you will use in the instructions.


    Thank you!
    Oh I meant WITHOUT the firmware update are channels 9,11,12, 13, 14, 15,16 used?


    for anyone who has stumbled on this and wants to know i just found out my self that the answer to that is yes, those channels always wrap around.
    But i installed the firmware and it works exactly as described.
    Thanks michael you rule!
    now to make some music!!


    Ok, I’m glad you got the new firmware and are able to move forward! Make music!

    With the original firmware, channels 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 all wrap around just like 4-8 do. So 9 wraps to 1, and so on.

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